Saturday 11 October 2014

still learning

The last couple of days trading was a bit disappointing making an overall loss on Wednesday and Thursday but at this point I’m not that really bothered about making either profit or loss because if it means that in the future I am able to make money without really risking anything that’s got to be the end goal in my opinion. At the minuet I am only trading on tennis but to be honest I don’t really know the sport as well as I should and maybe that’s the reason that I haven’t made as much money as I had hoped. I’m looking forward to the Sochi formula 1 race coming up so maybe I will be able to make a bit extra money.

Wednesday altogether I did 3 trades on tennis but didn’t make anything from them. Here is the best of the three trades that I had.

Tuesdays trading went a little bit better than Wednesdays but still making a small loss. I suppose if I can get to the point where week in week out I am making money surely I will eventually be able to scale it up. Here are a few of the best trades that I did on Thursday.

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